September 20, 2023

September is National Realtor Safety Awareness Month.

Daisey Norris, Marketing Coordinator
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This month, Kind Lending, LLC brings attention to the importance of staying safe while on the job as a realtor. To help keep our real estate agents safe, we have compiled a list of action items and tips to help create a safety strategy and protect yourself in the field.

  1. Always trust your instincts: If something doesn't feel right, it probably doesn't. Listen to your gut and remove yourself from any situation that makes you feel uneasy.
  2. Stay alert and always let the client walk first into each room: Keep your eyes and ears open while showing a property. Always let the client walk first into each room, so you can see what's happening behind you.
  3. Carry a self-defense weapon: Consider carrying a self-defense weapon, such as pepper spray or a personal alarm, to help protect yourself in case of an emergency.
  4. Tell co-workers and family where you are at all times: Always let someone know where you are going and who you will be meeting. This will help ensure your safety and provide peace of mind for those who care about you.
  5. Use technology and tools to prioritize safety: Take advantage of technology and tools designed to help keep you safe, such as location tracking apps and personal safety alarms.
  6. Educate yourself through training and self-defense classes: Consider taking self-defense classes or attending safety training sessions to help prepare you for any situation that may arise.
  7. Create a safety plan and get your office involved: Work with your office to create a safety plan that includes procedures for showing properties and handling difficult situations.
  8. Meet     a new client at your office, never at a property: It is always a good idea to meet a new client at your office before showing them a property. This will help ensure your safety and give you the opportunity to gather more information about the client.
  9. Get as much personal information as possible: When meeting a new client, gather as much personal information as possible. This includes their full name, phone number, and driver's     license number.
  10. Keep     a copy of the client's driver's license: Keeping a copy of     the client's driver's license is a good start not only for safety but also     for the client database. This will help ensure that you have important     information about your clients on file.

Remember, safety should always be a top priority when working as a real estate agent. By following these tips and creating a safety plan, you can help protect yourself and stay safe in the field.

Stay safe out there!

*Kind Lending, LLC does not claim to be a safety expert or provide safety advice.  If you have questions about how safety protocols and tactics available to you, you should always consider contacting a professional safety expert or consultant.